Friday, March 13, 2009


Just changing things up a bit. Isn't that quilt beautiful on that rocker? It was made by Karen over at Stop by her blog and say "hello." I have linked her to my blog roll on my sidebar.

She was kind enough to let me use her picture of a quilt she made years ago as my new banner. Thanks Karen!

Now all I need to figure out is how to get the name of my blog over to the left of the rocker...or maybe the right. Ugggh!Pin It Now!


Sue said...

What a pretty quilt! The banner looks so nice. I gotta figure out how to do that. Gotta get one of the kids to help!

Anonymous said...

I love your banner on your blog. That little house looks so charming.
You are so right about asking the kids. I think they know more about how stuff works than we do.